
Founded in 1930, the Himalaya legacy now spans over 90 years, stretching from one man, to his son, to his grandson. From their humble beginnings in India, Himalaya products are now offered in over 100 countries, yet they are still family owned.

Himalaya offers a full line of clinically-studied herbal formulations, certified USDA organic Single herbs, and a full line of body care products. Integrating the principles of traditional medicine with modern science, Himalaya is a worldwide pioneer in the field of scientifically validated herbal healthcare.

Science and research lie at the heart of product development at Himalaya. They combine the wisdom of traditional medicine with modern scientific research. Although theirin-house scientists have studied more than 10,000 herbs and developed a range of over 300 products, theycontinue onthe journey to unravel the mysteries of nature.

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